Friday, January 11, 2008

Vanessa Knows it's hard to have a Personal Life

Vanessa has recently tolled an interviewer, “With the Internet these days, you don’t have a personal life. Nothing is private. Everyone knows everything, and they can find out everything about you. You’re not as safe as you think you are, and you have to be aware of the people you’re around.”
Vanessa continued, “I tell girls all the time: Don’t post your private business for the world to see...Why do that when you can call someone, and go hang out with them—rather than sit on your computer, which is a complete waste of time...Hours will go by, and you’re still sitting there, when you could be outside doing anything else.”

Vanessa Hudgens cautioned her fans, “Something bad can happen from [posting things online]—it usually does. You just have to be careful. I had MySpace and Facebook profiles a long time ago, but I shut them down as quickly as I could.”

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