Thursday, April 16, 2009

Zac Efron Fields Fan Questions

He’s always been good about relating with his fans, and in a recent internet poll Zac Efron provided candid answers to fan-generated questions. When asked about home ownership surprises, the “High School Musical” stud revealed, “My sprinkler broke the other day, and I spent all day trying to fix it. I just made things worse and now my whole back yard is flooded. And keeping the house clean. It’s like a bigger version of the disaster formerly known as my room.” Efron also offered advice to teens trying to break away from their parents. “I think I put my parents through some grief. When I was 17, I was too demanding of freedom; I wanted an unnecessarily long leash. Don’t push it too hard, because you’re going to need your parents in college when you’re broke!” And as could be expected, Zac charmed his fans once again with his good guy persona. “I’m not really into partying. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve gone to a club. But I’d much rather be with my close friends at home or a concert, or on a trip. I’ll go dancing with my grandma. She likes to cut a rug!”

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